Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Bacon Bra

I've been a total slacker. Multiple people forwarded this to me, to the point that I thought, tcha, why even make a post, everyone knows about it. But in case you missed it, I give you... the bacon bra. It was quite a hit on the ol' internetz, like, two weeks ago. 

And no pesky underwire!

The full story can be found here

On a more contemplative note, I'm somewhat surprised by the range of reactions I've seen to this image, from amusement to desire to repulsion. Some people seem to find the idea of raw meat on bare skin distinctly unsettling. For others, it taps into some kind of primal food-sex instinct. Others just see it as an amusing gimmick. I will say there's something about the combination of naked breasts and meat that is appealing - back when I lived in Portland, OR, I was a big fan of The Acropolis (8325 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Portland. OR 97202), a strip club steakhouse. All the same though, while I do like the picture and the idea here, I'm not particularly, you know, aroused by it.

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